As a new father, educator, business owner, and WLB resident, I’m running to have a voice in our kids’ future, without any conflicts due to my career or political affiliations, unfortunately, everyone else running can’t say the same.
Michael Waters, Board President, has a family member who is employed in our school district. Due to that conflict, Michael must recuse himself from his official position on all issues related to the superintendent, including the search, contract approval, and evaluation of performance. He would also have to recuse himself from hiring any district or building level administrator that could potentially supervise his family member. An additional conflict for Michael Waters relates to collective bargaining negotiations which begin next year. He cannot be a member of the negotiations unit, may not participate in closed sessions of the board when discussing the contract, and must abstain from any vote taken regarding the agreement.
Meaghan Cavanaugh and Ryan Pringle are both teachers in public schools. Therefore, they also have conflicts of interest because of their membership in the NJEA. They too will not be able to have any direct participation nor act in their official capacity in the collective bargaining negotiations and adoption of a new contract for our teachers.
Respectfully, we need a trustee that will be part of every meeting, every vote, and every conversation without having to recuse themselves due to a conflict. I am that person.
I bring both public and private sector experiences in education, technology, early childhood, special education, fitness, and real estate industries. It’s time to bring fresh ideas to our school board. I have already started attending trainings through the NJSBA so that I am equipped to best serve all the children and community of West Long Branch.