Bold Vision

We aren’t just going to rebuild what has worked in the past. This is our opportunity to build back better than ever. Here's Michael Falgares' Vision for the West Long Branch Schol District.

Hover over the graphics below to learn more.

The communities that school boards serve need access to information to promote accountability and input. Members of the community are stakeholders, and stakeholders have a right to know what the return is on their investment. Providing the appropriate level of information with the public promotes community ownership and trust while reducing transparency challenges.

Hosting school board meetings in schools at more appropriate times, and live-streaming meetings

Retaining talented teachers through improved professional development, support systems and incentives

 It is pivotal that the Board of Education organizes and conducts a transparent search, involving members of the district and the community.  The recruitment phase must be comprehensive so that our district is able to choose from a  pool of passionate candidates with a servant leadership style that will effectively move our district in the right direction.

Establishing regular benchmarks for both self-assessment and community-assessment of progress

Creating programs to educate parents on the school board and increase awareness of school board decisions

Increasing parental involvement in our school system by supporting Parent Teacher Associations and establishing parent advisory councils for West Long Branch Schools.

Performing a top-to-bottom review of the budget with a focus on the effective use of funds, and publishing the review in a detailed easy-to-read format.

Establishing student-based budgeting which funds schools based on the needs of every student

Establishing Equity in Our School System

Building partnerships with local businesses to develop programs for students, as well as resource and time donations